2021 in Review Untitled
I made my portfolio a little more accessible this year.
- Georgia and Verdana have replaced Merriweather and Public Sans. They're easier to read.
- Reduced content. Made some writing edits. I want to sound less like a consultant and more like myself.
- Links are more consistently underlined.
- Headings are no longer shrinked with css for visual effect on my resume. I've left them thiccc. And that's a good thing.
Where's the title Josh?
This is untitled because I'm trying to draw a clearer line between work and life. My therapist says it's better for my health. I didn't learn that growing up, but that's ok. I'm making progress.
Instead of writing a deeply introspective post with a witty title, I want to enjoy time with my partner and adopted furbabies. They make me alot happier than these yearly updates.
So that's it. Really.